Frequently asked questions about IMMART

What does IMMART do?

IMMART provides opportunities for artists and cultural workers of all different backgrounds to be part of a local creative community, build capacity and participate in cultural life, locally, nationally and internationally. 

Where is IMMART based?

IMMART is based in Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, and works internationally on a regular basis.

How can I participate in IMMART activities?

Join our Facebook Network to keep up to date on what’s happening in our world, or join as a member for as little as 300kr per year so we can get to know each other more!

Why should I support IMMART’s work?

Your support whether it be attending our events, sponsoring with funds or products, contributes to making not only a welcome difference to us as an organisation, but also a positive change in society.

How do I make a donation?

The laws in Denmark mean that we can receive your support via sponsorship or membership here. Or email Nicol on nicol@immart.dk and let’s start a conversation!

Can I get a tax rebate if I make a donation?

The laws in Denmark mean that we are only able receive your support via sponsorship or membership, not donations. Alternatively, email Nicol on nicol@immart.dk and let’s start a conversation!


How is my membership money spent?

We’ve made a detailed breakdown of how it is spent here.

What is IMMART’s refund policy?

Refunds may solely be negotiated when there are unforeseen extenuating circumstances.

How do I apply for a job at IMMART?

Send your CV and an honest and inspired motivated to Nicol Savinetti on nicol@immart.dk

How can I volunteer with IMMART?

Send your CV and an honest and inspired motivated to Nicol Savinetti on nicol@immart.dk